Poor Folks
“Poor Folks has poor ways.” That’s the saying as I heard it as a child. It was my father’s excuse for patching with baling wire something that ought to have been fixed properly. Baling wire was the duct tape of earlier generations. It served as a gate latch when a...
read moreA Fond Farewell to Some New Friends
I am friends with four old bachelor goats. Every morning they call me to my duties. These duties include letting all the chickens out into the wide world and feeding the old bachelor goats their breakfast. Their version of granola is kept in a galvanized steel feed...
read moreA Few Thoughts about Poetry
I have heard a few contemporary poets these last few years and wondered if they put any real work into their product. Most of it seems pretty bland stuff, like the inner thoughts of a fellow who can’t find his keys… I went to the laundry room To find a pair of socks...
read moreThe Old Homestead
Crazy Oaks is too small for a golf course and too big for a horseshoe pitch. It is five acres, if you don’t count the generous easement for the county road. It lies between Needles, California and Paducah, Kentucky along a road that was never paved until long after I...
read moreHomecoming
Buster: Sister and I were hauled away in the non-descript sort of station wagon driven by science teachers and bird watchers. It was a journey of some length, if I remember, because sister and I both needed to get to the grass long before we arrived. When the old...
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