Crazy Oaks is our miniature farm where we look after a few eccentric goats, some very sensible chickens, busy bees, and a devious dog. We also now have a young granddaughter, who adds just the right amount of chaos. We are retired but very busy. The garden blooms, the bees buzz, and things are always getting built.
Mark is a cabinet maker and has built musical instruments for many years. He is a master craftsman and has built the house we live in, the table we eat on, and the furniture we sit on. He is now making lovely kitchen utensils, cutting boards, clocks, rolling pins and more!
Hollis is a retired physical therapist who now spends her time making baskets, taking photos, camping, and bird watching.
We look forward to meeting new friends and sharing stories. Please feel free to tell us what you think about what we make or what you would like to see.
We’ll see you where the sun is shining.
Hollis and Mark