by Mark Price | Sep 24, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
A great fraud has been perpetrated on an unsuspecting West. We are supposed to believe that a person sitting in a Japanese sand garden or in an empty rice-paper room is enjoying a peaceful respite from the cares of life. Don’t be misled. The man in the silk...
by CrazyOaksCrafts | Sep 24, 2015 | Recipe
We love this homemade granola, especially served with yogurt and fresh blueberries. Yum! Hope you try it out and enjoy it. CRAZY OAKS GRANOLA ¼ Cup Honey and ¼ cup molasses (or any combination of honey, molasses, real maple syrup) 1/2 Cup Olive Oil...
by Mark Price | Sep 15, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
However fond one may be of a memory, after a time the details fade. That is just what one expects to happen to a dream. But life is just the same way. The particulars, for some unknown reason, are misfiled by some careless clerk in an underpaid part of the...
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