by Mark Price | Oct 28, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
It is surpassing strange that reality is something that can be all of one thing in one moment, and be some entirely different thing in the next. Take for example the experience of sleep. We wrestle with problems, sometimes even solve them, and then awaken to sort...
by Mark Price | Oct 23, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
I was trying to plan a fishing trip the other day, with my official state map of Oklahoma spread before me on the table. There were more than enough streams and lakes. But the more I studied the map, the more I got distracted by all the place names and the mystery...
by Mark Price | Sep 24, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
A great fraud has been perpetrated on an unsuspecting West. We are supposed to believe that a person sitting in a Japanese sand garden or in an empty rice-paper room is enjoying a peaceful respite from the cares of life. Don’t be misled. The man in the silk...
by Mark Price | Sep 15, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
However fond one may be of a memory, after a time the details fade. That is just what one expects to happen to a dream. But life is just the same way. The particulars, for some unknown reason, are misfiled by some careless clerk in an underpaid part of the...
by Mark Price | Aug 25, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
On one hand you may trade or collect the little statues known as garden gnomes as kitsch – trashy but somehow cool objects that are not quite art. Pink flamingos are also both kitsch and cool. Hitler teddy bears are definitely kitsch but very uncool. Maybe your...
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