by Mark Price | Jul 28, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
It can be facile to imagine a pioneer woman or a mountain man. There might even be some curious resemblance between one early settler and a popular stereotype. But one ought not to forget that each and every pioneer was some particular person who grew up with parents...
by CrazyOaksCrafts | Jul 23, 2015 | Events
We are so excited to be part of the Opal District Crafter’s Emporium on August 1! From the Facebook page: The show will be scheduled for Saturday August 1st 2015 from 10am-5pm in Norman OK off of Comanche Street. The address is 325 E. Comanche Street Norman, OK. All...
by Mark Price | Jul 22, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
It has been the dream of science for a long time to be able to solve a crime by discovering when a witness is lying or telling the truth. In an earlier and more innocent time, the eye witness was thought to be the gold standard of courtroom evidence. But there,...
by Mark Price | Jul 14, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
“Poor Folks has poor ways.” That’s the saying as I heard it as a child. It was my father’s excuse for patching with baling wire something that ought to have been fixed properly. Baling wire was the duct tape of earlier generations. It served as a gate latch when a...
by Mark Price | Jul 4, 2015 | Just Ramblin'
I am friends with four old bachelor goats. Every morning they call me to my duties. These duties include letting all the chickens out into the wide world and feeding the old bachelor goats their breakfast. Their version of granola is kept in a galvanized steel feed...
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